Retrieve Table Information
The following script can be used to pull the column and index information for a table.
declare @sTableName sysname ------------------------------------- -- set the table name here ------------------------------------- set @sTableName = 'PutYourTableNameHere' declare @lObjectID int set @lObjectID = object_id(@sTableName) declare @sTab varchar(5), @sCrlf varchar(5) set @sTab = char(9) set @sCrlf = char(13) + char(10) declare @sTableFields varchar(max) -- hold the fields for the create statement set @sTableFields = '' -- declare & open a cursor to iterate thru all of the columns DECLARE curAllColumns cursor fast_forward for select [name], iscomputed from syscolumns with (nolock) where [id] = @lObjectID order by colorder OPEN curAllColumns -- declare variables to hold the data from our cursor DECLARE @sColName sysname , @bIsComputed bit -- get the 1st row of data from the cursor FETCH next from curAllColumns into @sColName, @bIsComputed -- keep going while the last fetch was good WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0) begin set @sTableFields = @sTableFields + @sCrlf + @sTab + ', ' + @sColName declare @lSysTypeID int if (@bIsComputed = 0) begin -- get the field type- int, varchar, text, etc. select @sTableFields = @sTableFields + @sTab + , @lSysTypeID = b.system_type_id from syscolumns a with (nolock) inner join (select * from sys.types with (nolock) where [name] <> 'sysname') b on a.xtype = b.system_type_id where a.[id] = @lObjectID and a.[name] = @sColName -- get the length and/or precision, if necessary select @sTableFields = @sTableFields + case a.xtype when 173 then '(' + convert(varchar, a.length) + ')' -- binary when 175 then '(' + convert(varchar, a.length) + ')' -- char when 106 then '(' + convert(varchar, a.xprec) + ', ' + convert(varchar, a.xscale) + ')' -- decimal when 239 then '(' + convert(varchar, a.length) + ')' -- nchar when 108 then '(' + convert(varchar, a.xprec) + ', ' + convert(varchar, a.xscale) + ')' -- numeric when 231 then '(' + --convert(varchar, a.length) case when a.length = -1 then 'max' else convert(varchar, a.length) end + ')' -- nchar when 165 then '(' + --convert(varchar, a.length) case when a.length = -1 then 'max' else convert(varchar, a.length) end + ')' -- varbinary when 167 then '(' + --convert(varchar, a.length) case when a.length = -1 then 'max' else convert(varchar, a.length) end + ')' -- varchar else '' end from syscolumns a with (nolock) --inner join sys.types b with (nolock) on a.xtype = b.system_type_id where a.[id] = @lObjectID and a.[name] = @sColName -- is the column an identity column select @sTableFields = @sTableFields + ' identity(' + convert(varchar, c.seed_value) + ', ' + convert(varchar, c.increment_value) + ')' from syscolumns a with (nolock) inner join sys.identity_columns c with (nolock) on = c.object_id and a.colid = c.column_id where a.[id] = @lObjectID and a.[name] = @sColName and c.is_identity = 1 -- is the column nullable? select @sTableFields = @sTableFields + ' not null' from syscolumns a with (nolock) where a.[id] = @lObjectID and a.[name] = @sColName and a.isnullable = 0 -- set the default, if any select @sTableFields = @sTableFields + ' default' + d.definition from syscolumns a with (nolock) --inner join sys.default_constraints d with (nolock) on = d.parent_object_id inner join sys.default_constraints d with (nolock) on a.cdefault = d.object_id where a.[id] = @lObjectID and a.[name] = @sColName and a.colid = d.parent_column_id end else begin -- we have a computed column select @sTableFields = @sTableFields + ' as ' + b.definition from syscolumns a with (nolock) inner join sys.computed_columns b with (nolock) on = b.object_id and a.colid = b.column_id where a.[id] = @lObjectID and a.[name] = @sColName end -- get the next row of data from the cursor FETCH next from curAllColumns into @sColName, @bIsComputed end -- close & deallocate the cursor CLOSE curAllColumns DEALLOCATE curAllColumns -- output the list of columns print @sTableFields -- get the primary key index, if any. if (exists(select 1 from sys.indexes a where a.[object_id] = @lObjectID and a.is_primary_key = 1)) begin set @sTableFields = '' select @sTableFields = @sTableFields + case when len(@sTableFields) = 0 then @sCrlf + @sTab + ', primary key ' + ltrim(rtrim(a.type_desc)) + ' (' + c.[name] else ', ' + c.[name] end + case when b.is_descending_key = 1 then ' desc' else '' end from sys.indexes a inner join sys.index_columns b on a.[object_id] = b.[object_id] and a.index_id = b.index_id inner join sys.all_columns c on b.[object_id] = c.[object_id] and b.column_id = c.column_id where a.[object_id] = @lObjectID and a.is_primary_key = 1 order by b.key_ordinal set @sTableFields = @sTableFields + ')' print @sTableFields end -- get the unique indexes, if any if (exists(select 1 from sys.indexes a where a.[object_id] = @lObjectID and a.is_unique_constraint = 1)) begin set @sTableFields = '' select @sTableFields = @sTableFields + case when b.key_ordinal = 1 and len(@sTableFields) = 0 then @sCrlf + @sTab + ', unqiue ' + ltrim(rtrim(a.type_desc)) + ' (' + c.[name] when b.key_ordinal = 1 and len(@sTableFields) > 0 then ')' + @sCrlf + @sTab + ', unqiue ' + ltrim(rtrim(a.type_desc)) + ' (' + c.[name] else ', ' + c.[name] end + case when b.is_descending_key = 1 then ' desc' else '' end from sys.indexes a inner join sys.index_columns b on a.[object_id] = b.[object_id] and a.index_id = b.index_id inner join sys.all_columns c on b.[object_id] = c.[object_id] and b.column_id = c.column_id where a.[object_id] = @lObjectID and a.is_unique_constraint = 1 order by b.key_ordinal set @sTableFields = @sTableFields + ')' print @sTableFields end -- get the other indexes, if any if (exists(select 1 from sys.indexes a where a.[object_id] = @lObjectID and a.is_primary_key = 0 and a.is_unique_constraint = 0)) begin -- object_name(1474104292) declare @index_id int = -1 , @idxname varchar(100) declare @sIdxTemplate varchar(300) = @sCrLf + @sCrLf + 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysindexes where name = N''[INDEXNAME]'' and id = object_id(N''[TABLENAME]'')) drop index [TABLENAME].[INDEXNAME] GO ' -- declare & open a cursor DECLARE curIdx cursor fast_forward for select a.index_id, a.[name] from sys.indexes a where a.[object_id] = @lObjectID and a.is_primary_key = 0 and a.is_unique_constraint = 0 OPEN curIdx -- get the first row from the cursor FETCH next from curIdx into @index_id, @idxname -- keep going while the last fetch was good while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin set @sTableFields = REPLACE(@sIdxTemplate, 'TABLENAME', OBJECT_NAME(@lObjectID)) select @sTableFields = REPLACE(@sTableFields, 'INDEXNAME', @idxname) select @sTableFields = @sTableFields + 'CREATE ' + case when a.is_unique = 1 then 'UNIQUE ' else '' end + a.type_desc + ' INDEX [' + @idxname + '] ON [' + OBJECT_NAME(@lObjectID) + ']' + @sCrlf + '(' from sys.indexes a where a.[object_id] = @lObjectID and a.index_id = @index_id select @sTableFields = @sTableFields + case when b.key_ordinal = 1 then @sCrlf + @sTab + c.[name] else @sCrlf + @sTab + ', ' + c.[name] end + case when b.is_descending_key = 1 then ' desc' else '' end from sys.indexes a inner join sys.index_columns b on a.[object_id] = b.[object_id] and a.index_id = b.index_id inner join sys.all_columns c on b.[object_id] = c.[object_id] and b.column_id = c.column_id where a.[object_id] = @lObjectID and a.index_id = @index_id and b.is_included_column = 0 order by a.index_id, b.is_included_column, b.key_ordinal set @sTableFields = @sTableFields + @sCrlf + ')' -- add the included columns, if any if (exists( select 1 from sys.indexes a inner join sys.index_columns b on a.[object_id] = b.[object_id] and a.index_id = b.index_id where a.[object_id] = @lObjectID and a.index_id = @index_id and b.is_included_column = 1)) begin ;with cteA as ( select rownum = ROW_NUMBER() over (order by b.index_column_id) , c.[name] , b.is_descending_key , b.index_column_id from sys.indexes a inner join sys.index_columns b on a.[object_id] = b.[object_id] and a.index_id = b.index_id inner join sys.all_columns c on b.[object_id] = c.[object_id] and b.column_id = c.column_id where a.[object_id] = @lObjectID and a.index_id = @index_id and b.is_included_column = 1 ) select @sTableFields = @sTableFields + case when rownum = 1 then @sCrlf + 'INCLUDE (' + a.[name] else ', ' + a.[name] end from cteA a order by a.index_column_id set @sTableFields = @sTableFields + ')' end -- close the index statement set @sTableFields = @sTableFields + @sCrlf + 'ON [PRIMARY]' + @sCrlf + 'GO' + @sCrlf -- send what we have to the output window print @sTableFields -- get the next row from the cursor FETCH next from curIdx into @index_id, @idxname end -- close & deallocate the cursor CLOSE curIdx DEALLOCATE curIdx end
Sample output:
, lRowID int identity(1000, 1) not null , sInfo1 varchar(30) not null , sInfo2 varchar(44) , lInfo1 int not null , lInfo2 int not null , sLastUser varchar(50) not null default(left(suser_sname(),(50))) , dtLastMod datetime not null default(getdate()) , sCreatedBy varchar(50) not null default(left(suser_sname(),(50))) , dtCreateDate datetime not null default(getdate()) , Stamp timestamp not null , uuid uniqueidentifier not null default(newid()) , primary key NONCLUSTERED (uuid, lRowID) , unqiue CLUSTERED (lInfo1) , unqiue NONCLUSTERED (uuid, lInfo2 desc, lRowID) if exists (select * from dbo.sysindexes where name = N'[IX_TestTable2_1]' and id = object_id(N'[TestTable2]')) drop index [TestTable2].[IX_TestTable2_1] GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_TestTable2_1] ON [TestTable2] ( lInfo1 ) INCLUDE (sInfo1, sInfo2) ON [PRIMARY] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysindexes where name = N'[IX_TestTable2_2]' and id = object_id(N'[TestTable2]')) drop index [TestTable2].[IX_TestTable2_2] GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_TestTable2_2] ON [TestTable2] ( dtCreateDate , lRowID desc ) INCLUDE (sInfo1, sInfo2) ON [PRIMARY] GO