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Executing X tasks, in Y threads at a time

This example illustrates how to run a total of X tasks, using a total of Y threads.

public class ThreadTest
   // declare some member variables
   private int m_lTotalItems = 0;
   private int m_lTotalThreads = 0;
   private int m_lThreadsProcessing = 0;
   private int m_lThreadCompleted = 0;
   private object m_oThreadLock = 0;   // object to use for locking
   private Tuple<int, int>[] m_threadItems = null;

   private Action m_action = null;

   public void StartThreadingSample(Action action)
      // set the action method to fire when all the processes are complete.
      this.m_action = action;

      // determine the number of total thread that need to be processed.
      this.m_lTotalItems = 15;

      // determine the number of items that we can process simultaneously.
      this.m_lTotalThreads = 5;

      this.m_threadItems = new Tuple<int, int>[this.m_lTotalItems];

      this.AddToOutput(string.Format("Total tasks: {0}, total threds: {1}", this.m_lTotalItems, this.m_lTotalThreads));

      // create an instance of the random class
      Random rnd = new Random();
      // build the items.
      for (int x = 0; x < this.m_lTotalItems; x++)
         // get a random time that this task will take to complete, between 5 & 15 seconds.
         int l2 = rnd.Next(10000) + 5000;

         // create the item and add it to our array.
         this.m_threadItems[x] = new Tuple<int, int>(x, l2);

      lock (this.m_oThreadLock)
         // reset the number of threads processing.
         this.m_lThreadsProcessing = 0;
         // reset the number of threads completed.
         this.m_lThreadCompleted = 0;

      this.AddToOutput(string.Format("Queue up the 1st {0} items", this.m_lTotalThreads));

      for (int x = 0; x < this.m_lTotalThreads; x++)

   private void StartProcessingNextItem()
         Tuple<int, int> tsk = null;

         lock (this.m_oThreadLock)
            // determine if all the threads have completed.
            if (this.m_lThreadCompleted >= this.m_lTotalItems && this.m_action != null)
               // call the completed action method.
               // get out now.
            // determine if we have any more thread items to process / start. If not, get out now.
            if (this.m_lThreadsProcessing >= this.m_lTotalItems) break;
            if (this.m_lThreadsProcessing >= this.m_threadItems.Length) break;

            // get the next task to run.
            tsk = this.m_threadItems[this.m_lThreadsProcessing];
            // increment the threads processing.

         this.AddToOutput(string.Format("Queuing task {0}, ", tsk.Item1));

         // start the task
         System.Threading.Tasks.Task ret1 =
            System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => this.TaskX(tsk));

         // specify that the StartProcessingNextItem() method be called when the thread completes.
         var c1 = ret1.ContinueWith((antecedant) => this.StartProcessingNextItem(), TaskContinuationOptions.None);

      } while (false);

   private void AddToOutput(string sInfo)
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0:h:mm:ss tt} {1}", DateTime.Now, sInfo));

   private void TaskX(Tuple<int, int> tsk)
      this.AddToOutput(string.Format("Starting task {0}, {1} ms", tsk.Item1, tsk.Item2));


      this.AddToOutput(string.Format("Completing task {0}", tsk.Item1));

      lock (this.m_oThreadLock)
         // increment our Threads Completed counter

An example of how the above sample would be called.

public partial class Form1 : Form
   private ThreadTest m_test = null;
   private void btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Starting sample at {0:h:mm:ss tt}", DateTime.Now));

        this.m_test = new ThreadTest();

      catch (Exception ex)
        Socius.Common.UI.dlg.DisplayError.Show(ex, this);

   delegate void threadComplete();
   public void ThreadsComplete()
      if (this.InvokeRequired)
        threadComplete tc = new threadComplete(this.ThreadsComplete);
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("All threads completed.");

        MessageBox.Show("All threads completed");