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Installing an SSL certificate on Azure Web App

The following details the steps to create and apply an SSL certificate to a web site that is hosted on Azure.

Create the CSR

The following link is a helper app to assist in the creation of the CSR: CSR Generator
Help page for instructions on using the CSR Generator: CSR Generator Help

Use the above tool to create and save 3 files to your computer:

  • CSR file
  • Private Key file (give it a *.key filename)
  • Certificate file

Start the SSL Activation Request

On the site, start the SSL Activation Request by copy/pasting the contents of the CSR file into the provided area.

Follow the subsequent instructions for domain validation to receive the SSL certificate.

Certificate zip file contents

  • *.ca-bundle - the CA-Bundle file
  • *.crt - the security certificate
  • *.p7b - the PKCS #7 certificate

Convert the local files to a pfx file

Use this converter tool to convert / combine the local files to a *.pfx file - SSL Converter
Converter User Guide
  • Certificate File: select the Certificate file that was generated by the CSR generator.
  • Key File: select the Private Key file that was generated by the CSR generator.
  • CA-Bundle File: select the *.ca-bundle file that was generated after the SSL Activation Request.
  • Password: enter a password for the generated file (you'll need to use this later.)
  • Press the 'Convert' button and download the file.

Add the certificate to the Azure Web App Service

  • Open the Azure Portal
  • Navigate to the desired Web App
  • Select the 'Certificates' option on the left navigation for the web app.
  • Select the 'Bring you own certificate (.pfx)' menu option at the top.
  • Press the 'Add Certificate' button near the top.
    • Inside the 'Add private key certificate' window:
    • Source - select 'Upload certificate (.pfx)
    • PFX certificate file - select the .pfx file that was generated by the converter tool in the previous step.
    • Certificate password - enter the password used in the convert tool.
    • Certificate friendly name - enter a meaningful name for the certificate.
  • Press the 'Validate' button to validate the entries.
  • Press the 'Add' button to add the certificate to the web application.