RM00201 - RM_Class_MSTR - table structure
Great Plains Table Structure
- RM00201 - RM_Class_MSTR
- Technical Name - RM_Class_MSTR
- Series - Sales
- Physical Name - RM00201
Column Listing:
Name | Data Type | Description |
CLASSID | char(15) | Class ID |
CLASDSCR | char(31) | Class Description |
CRLMTTYP | smallint | Credit Limit Type |
CRLMTAMT | numeric(19,5) | Credit Limit Amount |
CRLMTPER | smallint | Credit Limit Period |
CRLMTPAM | numeric(19,5) | Credit Limit Period Amount |
DEFLTCLS | tinyint | Default Class |
BALNCTYP | smallint | Balance Type |
CHEKBKID | char(15) | Checkbook ID |
BANKNAME | char(31) | Bank Name |
TAXSCHID | char(15) | Tax Schedule ID |
SHIPMTHD | char(15) | Shipping Method |
PYMTRMID | char(21) | Payment Terms ID |
CUSTDISC | smallint | Customer Discount |
CSTPRLVL | char(11) | Customer Price Level |
MINPYTYP | smallint | Minimum Payment Type |
MINPYDLR | numeric(19,5) | Minimum Payment Dollar |
MINPYPCT | smallint | Minimum Payment Percent |
MXWOFTYP | smallint | Maximum Writeoff Type |
MXWROFAM | numeric(19,5) | Max Writeoff Amount |
FINCHARG | tinyint | Finance Charge |
FNCHATYP | smallint | Finance Charge Amt Type |
FINCHDLR | numeric(19,5) | Finance Charge Dollar |
FNCHPCNT | smallint | Finance Charge Percent |
PRCLEVEL | char(11) | PriceLevel |
CURNCYID | char(15) | Currency ID |
RATETPID | char(15) | Rate Type ID |
DEFCACTY | smallint | Default Cash Account Type |
RMCSHACC | int | RM Cash Account Index |
RMARACC | int | RM AR Account Index |
RMCOSACC | int | RM Cost Of Sales Account Index |
RMIVACC | int | RM IV Account Index |
RMSLSACC | int | RM Sales Account Index |
RMAVACC | int | RM Discounts Avail Account Index |
RMTAKACC | int | RM Discounts Taken Account Index |
RMFCGACC | int | RM Finance Charge Account Index |
RMWRACC | int | RM Writeoff Account Index |
RMSORACC | int | RM Sales Order Returns Account Index |
SALSTERR | char(15) | Sales Territory |
SLPRSNID | char(15) | Salesperson ID |
STMTCYCL | smallint | Statement Cycle |
SNDSTMNT | tinyint | Send Statement |
INACTIVE | tinyint | Inactive |
KPCALHST | tinyint | Keep Calendar History |
KPDSTHST | tinyint | Keep Distribution History |
KPERHIST | tinyint | Keep Period History |
KPTRXHST | tinyint | Keep Trx History |
NOTEINDX | numeric(19,5) | Note Index |
MODIFDT | datetime | Modified Date |
CREATDDT | datetime | Created Date |
Revalue_Customer | tinyint | Revalue Customer |
Post_Results_To | smallint | Post Results To |
DISGRPER | smallint | Discount Grace Period |
DUEGRPER | smallint | Due Date Grace Period |
ORDERFULFILLDEFAULT | smallint | Order Fulfillment Shortage Default |
CUSTPRIORITY | smallint | Customer Priority |
RMOvrpymtWrtoffAcctIdx | int | RM Overpayment Writeoff Account Index |
CBVAT | tinyint | Cash Based VAT |
INCLUDEINDP | tinyint | Include in Demand Planning |
DEX_ROW_ID | int | GPS_Reserved |