SOP10100 - Sales Transaction Work - table structure
Great Plains Table Structure
- SOP10100 - Sales Transaction Work
- Technical Name - SOP_HDR_WORK
- Series - Sales
- Physical Name - SOP10100
Column Listing:
Name | Data Type | Description |
SOPTYPE | smallint | SOP Type |
SOPNUMBE | char(21) | SOP Number |
ORIGTYPE | smallint | Original Type |
ORIGNUMB | char(21) | Original Number |
DOCID | char(15) | Document ID |
DOCDATE | datetime | Document Date |
GLPOSTDT | datetime | GL Posting Date |
QUOTEDAT | datetime | Quote Date |
QUOEXPDA | datetime | Quote Expiration Date |
ORDRDATE | datetime | Order Date |
INVODATE | datetime | Invoice Date |
BACKDATE | datetime | Back Order Date |
RETUDATE | datetime | Return Date |
ReqShipDate | datetime | Requested Ship Date |
FUFILDAT | datetime | Fulfillment Date |
ACTLSHIP | datetime | Actual Ship Date |
DISCDATE | datetime | Discount Date |
DUEDATE | datetime | Due Date |
REPTING | tinyint | Repeating |
TRXFREQU | smallint | TRX Frequency |
TIMEREPD | smallint | Times Repeated |
TIMETREP | smallint | Times To Repeat |
DYSTINCR | smallint | Days To Increment |
DTLSTREP | datetime | Date Last Repeated |
DSTBTCH1 | char(15) | Dest Batch 1 |
DSTBTCH2 | char(15) | Dest Batch 2 |
USDOCID1 | char(15) | User Document ID 1 |
USDOCID2 | char(15) | User Document ID 2 |
DISCFRGT | numeric(19,5) | Discount Available Freight |
ORDAVFRT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Discount Available Freight |
DISCMISC | numeric(19,5) | Discount Available Misc |
ORDAVMSC | numeric(19,5) | Originating Discount Available Amount |
DISAVAMT | numeric(19,5) | Discount Available Amount |
ORDAVAMT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Discount Available Amount |
DISCRTND | numeric(19,5) | Discount Returned |
ORDISRTD | numeric(19,5) | Originating Discount Returned |
DISTKNAM | numeric(19,5) | Discount Taken Amount |
ORDISTKN | numeric(19,5) | Originating Discount Taken Amount |
DSCPCTAM | smallint | Discount Percent Amount |
DSCDLRAM | numeric(19,5) | Discount Dollar Amount |
ORDDLRAT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Discount Dollar Amount |
DISAVTKN | numeric(19,5) | Discount Available Taken |
ORDATKN | numeric(19,5) | Originating Discount Available Taken |
PYMTRMID | char(21) | Payment Terms ID |
PRCLEVEL | char(11) | Price Level |
LOCNCODE | char(11) | Location Code |
BCHSOURC | char(15) | Batch Source |
BACHNUMB | char(15) | Batch Number |
CUSTNMBR | char(15) | Customer Number |
CUSTNAME | char(65) | Customer Name |
CSTPONBR | char(21) | Customer PO Number |
PROSPECT | smallint | Prospect |
MSTRNUMB | int | Master Number |
PCKSLPNO | char(21) | Packing Slip Number |
PICTICNU | char(21) | Picking Ticket Number |
MRKDNAMT | numeric(19,5) | Markdown Amount |
ORMRKDAM | numeric(19,5) | Originating Markdown Amount |
PRBTADCD | char(15) | Primary Billto Address Code |
PRSTADCD | char(15) | Primary Shipto Address Code |
CNTCPRSN | char(61) | Contact Person |
ShipToName | char(65) | Ship To Name |
ADDRESS1 | char(61) | Address 1 |
ADDRESS2 | char(61) | Address 2 |
ADDRESS3 | char(61) | Address 3 |
CITY | char(35) | City |
STATE | char(29) | State |
ZIPCODE | char(11) | Zip Code |
CCode | char(7) | Country Code |
COUNTRY | char(61) | Country |
PHNUMBR1 | char(21) | Phone Number 1 |
PHNUMBR2 | char(21) | Phone Number 2 |
PHONE3 | char(21) | Phone 3 |
FAXNUMBR | char(21) | Fax Number |
COMAPPTO | smallint | Commission Applied To |
COMMAMNT | numeric(19,5) | Commission Amount |
OCOMMAMT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Commission Amount |
CMMSLAMT | numeric(19,5) | Commission Sale Amount |
ORCOSAMT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Commission Sales Amount |
NCOMAMNT | numeric(19,5) | Non-Commissioned Amount |
ORNCMAMT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Non-Commissioned Amount |
SHIPMTHD | char(15) | Shipping Method |
TRDISAMT | numeric(19,5) | Trade Discount Amount |
ORTDISAM | numeric(19,5) | Originating Trade Discount Amount |
TRDISPCT | smallint | Trade Discount Percent |
SUBTOTAL | numeric(19,5) | Subtotal |
ORSUBTOT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Subtotal |
REMSUBTO | numeric(19,5) | Remaining Subtotal |
OREMSUBT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Remaining Subtotal |
EXTDCOST | numeric(19,5) | Extended Cost |
OREXTCST | numeric(19,5) | Originating Extended Cost |
FRTAMNT | numeric(19,5) | Freight Amount |
ORFRTAMT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Freight Amount |
MISCAMNT | numeric(19,5) | Misc Amount |
ORMISCAMT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Misc Amount |
TXENGCLD | tinyint | Tax Engine Called |
TAXEXMT1 | char(25) | Tax Exempt 1 |
TAXEXMT2 | char(25) | Tax Exempt 2 |
TXRGNNUM | char(25) | Tax Registration Number |
TAXSCHID | char(15) | Tax Schedule ID |
TXSCHSRC | smallint | Tax Schedule Source |
BSIVCTTL | tinyint | Based On Invoice Total |
FRTSCHID | char(15) | Freight Schedule ID |
FRTTXAMT | numeric(19,5) | Freight Tax Amount |
ORFRTTAX | numeric(19,5) | Originating Freight Tax Amount |
FRGTTXBL | smallint | Freight Taxable |
MSCSCHID | char(15) | Misc Schedule ID |
MSCTXAMT | numeric(19,5) | Misc Tax Amount |
ORMSCTAX | numeric(19,5) | Originating Misc Tax Amount |
MISCTXBL | smallint | Misc Taxable |
BKTFRTAM | numeric(19,5) | Backout Freight Amount |
ORBKTFRT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Backout Freight Amount |
BKTMSCAM | numeric(19,5) | Backout Misc Amount |
ORBKTMSC | numeric(19,5) | Originating Backout Misc Amount |
BCKTXAMT | numeric(19,5) | Backout Tax Amount |
OBTAXAMT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Backout Tax Amount |
TXBTXAMT | numeric(19,5) | Taxable Tax Amount |
OTAXTAMT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Taxable Tax Amount |
TAXAMNT | numeric(19,5) | Tax Amount |
ORTAXAMT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Tax Amount |
ECTRX | tinyint | EC Transaction |
DOCAMNT | numeric(19,5) | Document Amount |
ORDOCAMT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Document Amount |
PYMTRCVD | numeric(19,5) | Payment Received |
ORPMTRVD | numeric(19,5) | Originating Payment Received |
DEPRECVD | numeric(19,5) | Deposit Received |
ORDEPRVD | numeric(19,5) | Originating Deposit Received |
CODAMNT | numeric(19,5) | COD Amount |
ORCODAMT | numeric(19,5) | Originating COD Amount |
ACCTAMNT | numeric(19,5) | Account Amount |
ORACTAMT | numeric(19,5) | Originating Account Amount |
SALSTERR | char(15) | Sales Territory |
SLPRSNID | char(15) | Salesperson ID |
UPSZONE | char(3) | UPS Zone |
TIMESPRT | smallint | Times Printed |
PSTGSTUS | smallint | Posting Status |
VOIDSTTS | smallint | Void Status |
ALLOCABY | smallint | Allocate By |
NOTEINDX | numeric(19,5) | Note Index |
CURNCYID | char(15) | Currency ID |
CURRNIDX | smallint | Currency Index |
RATETPID | char(15) | Rate Type ID |
EXGTBLID | char(15) | Exchange Table ID |
XCHGRATE | numeric(19,7) | Exchange Rate |
DENXRATE | numeric(19,7) | Denomination Exchange Rate |
EXCHDATE | datetime | Exchange Date |
TIME1 | datetime | Time |
RTCLCMTD | smallint | Rate Calculation Method |
MCTRXSTT | smallint | MC Transaction State |
TRXSORCE | char(13) | TRX Source |
SOPHDRE1 | binary | SOP HDR Errors 1 |
SOPHDRE2 | binary | SOP HDR Errors 2 |
SOPLNERR | binary | SOP LINE Errors |
SOPHDRFL | binary | SOP HDR Flags |
SOPMCERR | binary | SOP MC Posting Error Messages |
COMMNTID | char(15) | Comment ID |
REFRENCE | char(31) | Reference |
POSTEDDT | datetime | Posted Date |
PTDUSRID | char(15) | Posted User ID |
USER2ENT | char(15) | User To Enter |
CREATDDT | datetime | Created Date |
MODIFDT | datetime | Modified Date |
Tax_Date | datetime | Tax Date |
APLYWITH | tinyint | Apply Withholding |
WITHHAMT | numeric(19,5) | Withholding Amount |
SHPPGDOC | tinyint | Shipping Document |
CORRCTN | tinyint | Correction |
SIMPLIFD | tinyint | Simplified |
CORRNXST | tinyint | Correction to Nonexisting Transaction |
DOCNCORR | char(21) | Document Number Corrected |
SEQNCORR | smallint | Sequence Number Corrected |
SALEDATE | datetime | Sale Date |
SOPHDRE3 | binary | SOP HDR Errors 3 |
EXCEPTIONALDEMAND | tinyint | Exceptional Demand |
Flags | smallint | Flags |
BackoutTradeDisc | numeric(19,5) | Backout Trade Discount Amount |
OrigBackoutTradeDisc | numeric(19,5) | Originating Backout Trade Discount Amount |
GPSFOINTEGRATIONID | char(31) | GPSFO Integration ID |
INTEGRATIONSOURCE | smallint | Integration Source |
INTEGRATIONID | char(31) | Integration ID |
SOPSTATUS | smallint | SOP Status |
SHIPCOMPLETE | tinyint | Ship Complete Document |
DIRECTDEBIT | tinyint | Direct Debit |
WorkflowApprStatCreditLm | smallint | Workflow Approval Status Credit Limit |
WorkflowPriorityCreditLm | smallint | Workflow Priority Credit Limit |
WorkflowApprStatusQuote | smallint | Workflow Approval Status Quote |
WorkflowPriorityQuote | smallint | Workflow Priority Quote |
ContractExchangeRateStat | smallint | Contract Exchange Rate Status |
Print_Phone_NumberGB | smallint | Print Phone Number GB |
DEX_ROW_TS | datetime | Time Stamp |
DEX_ROW_ID | int | GPS_Reserved |