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XML Document Sample

Sample of how to use to the XML Document class in C#.

private StringBuilder m_sbXmlInfo = new StringBuilder();
private void XmlDemo(string sFileName)
   // create an instance of the XML Document
   System.Xml.XmlDocument xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
   // load up the XML file into our XML document

   //string sTemp = null;

   // get the root node
   System.Xml.XmlElement nodeRoot = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;

   this.m_sbXmlInfo.Length = 0;
   if (nodeRoot == null)
      this.m_sbXmlInfo.Append("Source document is empty");
   else if (nodeRoot.HasChildNodes)
      this.m_sbXmlInfo.AppendFormat("Root node name: {0}", nodeRoot.Name);

      // get a specific node off of the root node
      var specificNode = nodeRoot["Person"];

      // iterate through each of the child nodes off the root node.
      foreach(System.Xml.XmlNode node in nodeRoot.ChildNodes)
         this.DoNodeInspection(node, 1);

private void DoNodeInspection(System.Xml.XmlNode node, int lLevelsDeep)
   if (node == null)
      // if null, get out now.

   // determine if the node has children
   if (node.HasChildNodes)
      // add a new line
      // add some spaces
      this.m_sbXmlInfo.Append(string.Empty.PadLeft(lLevelsDeep * 2));
      // add the node name.
      this.m_sbXmlInfo.AppendFormat("Node Name: {0}", node.Name);

      // this node has child nodes.
      foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode node2 in node.ChildNodes)
         this.DoNodeInspection(node2, lLevelsDeep + 1);
      // no child nodes
      this.m_sbXmlInfo.AppendLine();   // add a new line
      // add some spaces
      this.m_sbXmlInfo.Append(string.Empty.PadLeft(lLevelsDeep * 2));
      // output our node value.
      this.m_sbXmlInfo.AppendFormat("Node Value: {0}", node.Value);