Retrieving the Next Note Index in GP
An example of how to call the smGetNextNoteIndex stored procedure to get the next note index for a Great Plains in SQL. The following assumes that we're in the company database.
-- declare some variables we'll need for calling the stored procedure DECLARE @RC int DECLARE @I_sCompanyID smallint DECLARE @I_iSQLSessionID int DECLARE @O_mNoteIndex numeric(19,5) DECLARE @O_iErrorState int -- get the Company ID select @I_sCompanyID = CMPANYID from DYNAMICS..SY01500 a where a.INTERID = db_name() -- call the stored procedure. This will get the next note index and increment the current value. EXECUTE @RC = DYNAMICS..smGetNextNoteIndex @I_sCompanyID , @I_iSQLSessionID = 1 , @O_mNoteIndex = @O_mNoteIndex OUTPUT , @O_iErrorState = @O_iErrorState OUTPUT -- output our return value (should be 0 for success) print @RC -- output our note index. print @O_mNoteIndex