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CM10100 - CM Deposit Work - table structure
GP Get Next Document Number
GP Table Listing
Retrieve GP Table Listing
Retrieving the Next Note Index in GP
RM00101 - RM Customer MSTR - table structure
RM00102 - Customer Master Address File - table structure
RM00103 - Customer Master Summary - table structure
RM00104 - Customer Period Summary - table structure
RM00105 - RM National Accounts Master - table structure
RM00106 - RM Statements E-mail Addresses - table structure
RM00201 - RM_Class_MSTR - table structure
RM00301 - RM Salesperson Master - table structure
RM00302 - Salesperson Master Summary File - table structure
RM00303 - Sales Territory Master File - table structure
RM00305 - Sales Territory Master Summary - table structure
Script to list table fields
Simple Date Conversions in SQL
SOP10100 - Sales Transaction Work - table structure
SOP10106 - Sales User-Defined Work History - table structure
SOP10200 - Sales Transaction Amounts Work - table structure
SOPType vs SOPTypeDatabase Translation on GP SOP Entry Window
Use configuration settings for AddIns for Dynamics GP
Using a Modified Form in GP Customizations