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How to convert scientific notation string to decimal

How to convert this scientific notation to decimal?

Convert strings that are in scientific notation to decimals. The following do NOT work:

// using the Convert class:
decimal t1 = Convert.ToDecimal("2.09550901805872E-05");   
// using Decimal.Parse:
decimal t2 = Decimal.Parse("2.09550901805872E-05");

To allow for scientific notation, some flags must be added.

// This does work:
decimal t2 = Decimal.Parse("2.09550901805872E-05",  
   NumberStyles.AllowExponent | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint);

// allow for any culture:
decimal t2 = Decimal.Parse("2.09550901805872E-05",  
   NumberStyles.AllowExponent | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, 

// it may be easier to use the 'Any' number style
decimal t2 = Decimal.Parse("2.09550901805872E-05",  